Sunday, May 20, 2012


First to the senate and now to the house, Leon Penetta says that congress has no say in declaring war, but that the department of defense and the administration take orders from NATO and the UN when it comes to going to war, regardless the fact that the constitution gives only congress the power to declare war. Let's not forget that the president only becomes commander in chief when congress declares war. Why doesnt anyone care about this act of treason? Click HERE to read the article.


We all have seen those Commercials on TV of FDA approved drug being recalled for casing bodily harm and even death. I see a new one at least once a week! Yet then why do we continue to trust the FDA with our health and our tax dollars? They even recognize on their own website that their safe approved drugs Jill 100,000 people in America each year! Must read this article, and go to the link in it to the FDA website and see for yourself! Click HERE to read the article

Friday, April 27, 2012

Preppers Strategic Relocation

What if the rich, the elite, our government were preparing for something bad in the future and you had no idea. Would you want to know? Joel is the nephew of Cleon Skousen,  most popular for writing 5.000 Year Leap and The Naked Communist.  Joel Skousen is a conservative/libertarian, non-fiction survivalist author and a designer/consultant for retreat homes. Joel is not a supporter of Mitt Romney but rather a staunch proponent of Ron Paul. He just came out with a 3rd edition of his book Strategic Relocation-North American Guide to Safe Places. On Thursday April 19th he went on the Alex Jones Nightly News to talk about his new book and the problems he sees in the world right now. It is quit frightening to see how he explains the vulnerability many states in our Union could be in if a crisis or government crack down occurs. Check it out. Fast forward and start 28 minutes into the clip.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP)

The other day I was driving on the freeway to meet a friend.  It was stop and go traffic for miles, and I found that my mind was wondering.  A thought came into my mind...what if there was an EMP right now. Everyone would probably be thinking what was wrong, there would most likely be panic, and I would be stuck miles from my home.  I thought about what I would do.  I would immediately get me emergency backpack that I have in my trunk with a few necessities, socks, and comfortable shoes.  I would then start on the long walk home and try to get there as quickly as I could.  Chaos would soon erupt, as people realize this isn't just a random fluke.

I don't know if any of you have heard about the book called "One Second After".  I have not read it yet, but I am beginning it this week.  This is a fictional book, but has MANY scenarios that just might play out if there is an EMP.  I have had several people tell me what a fantastic book this is and that I needed to read it.  I'll let you know my final review after I read it.  Visit this site to read up more on an EMP Click HERE and let us know what you think about the realities of an EMP!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Something Bad Is About To Happen"

Check this article out. When main stream economist and financiers begin to say that something bad is going to happen it is time to start believing. I hope this article gets you thinking about finishing up your preparations. Share it with a friend. Click HERE to see article. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today I want to write about an experience that I had recently.  I stayed home form work one day not feeling well.  When I went to brush my teeth, I noticed that the water was only coming out in a small trickle.  I turned it to full power and nothing happened.  I thought, "Boy, that 's weird."  I quickly went to all of the other faucets in the house, none of them were working.  The water was off the rest of the day.  I called my landlady and she said there was a leak somewhere, and so they had to turn off the water.  This was an unexpected event and so none of the tenants were notified.  The rest of the day I kept thinking about what if one day we woke up and there was no water...EVER.

 I quickly realized how important water in your everyday life is.  Not only for drinking, but cooking and cleaning.  As the day progressed I was thankful for two things.  #1 - that I have bottled water under my bed.  I don't have nearly enough, but at least it would last me a couple of days.  #2 - I'm grateful that I've filled up old 2-liter soda bottles with water and keep them on my balcony for cleaning purposes incase of an emergency.

As Citizen Soldiers we need to be prepared for this type of an emergency.  Storing water sometimes seems like an overwhelming subject, one that doesn't seem as pressing as food storage, or you think it takes up a lot of space.  Well, you're right.  It does take up space, but it is important!  You will die without water.  Just start easy like I did.  Every time I go to the store I buy a gallon of water.  It costs about a dollar.  I don't buy the most expensive kind, you don't need to.  Make a commitment and start today!  I store mine under a twin bed.  I can fit 6 tall gallons across the width, and am currently filling up the length.  Send us pictures of your water supply and tell us your ideas!  Remember, we're in this together!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It's crazy how the more you begin to pay attention to whats going on around the world, the more you realize how important it is to prepare your family.  Just look at last nights state of the union address.  

President Obama said, "The executive branch also needs to change.  Too often, its inefficient, outdated and remote.  That's why I've asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal  bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people."  

Well, if it's the goal of our president to give the executive branch all power and authority so it can be more "responsive to the needs of the American people," I say HELL NO!  I mean people clapped after that statement!  What's wrong with us as a society?   Wake up AMERICA! This just makes it a hop skip and a jump easier to fall under a dictatorship. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I came across this article from the daily mail. It is amazing to see the parallels of 1932 to today. Actually, it is pretty scary. This is why we need to learn history. Understanding history can help us prepare for whats to come. Check it out. Click HERE.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Infantry Tactics

Happy New Years, Citizen Soldiers. I hope we all have made New Year resolutions geared towards better preparing for whats to come.  One thing I want to improve on is the ability to use my weapons. Its one thing to shoot a gun but it is a whole other thing to be able to fight with others, in unity, against a specific threat. I found this website that sells a great book called "Small Unit Tactics". It goes in great details of excellent strategic operations that we need to know about. Check it out. Click HERE. I also came across a pdf file a while ago about combat that I wanted you to have.  This is a great general article to help you get started. Check it out. Click HERE. Please, I am really interested in becoming better prepared, if you have any information on tactical strategies send it to 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

FEMA Death Camps

Okay Citizen Soldiers, what have you heard about the FEMA death camps?  I have recently heard about this and decided to do some research on the internet about it.  I found a ton of videos explaining it.  Once you start watching them, I warn you, you will not be able to stop.  Next you'll start looking up the Red and Blue Lists.  The first video I'm posting is a good explanation of the basics.  Watch it! The next is about the Red and Blue lists.  Check it out!   Do your own research, and let us know what you think about it!  We need to start talking about things like this and decide what we can do to stop this!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bugging Out- For Real

I think we are all trying to prepare for every scenario. For most of us, we are really busy and trying very hard in our free time to train with the equipment we have. We should ask ourselves? Could we really survive for a couple of weeks if we had to only use what is in our bug out bags?  These three videos are excellent. They show exactly (trapping and hunting) what you need to survive in a bug out situation. I thought it was thorough and very helpful. Let me know what you think.


Security During a Crisis

I hope all is well citizen soldiers. I came across these videos from an excellent youtube channel. I highly recommend to subscribe to it. It is called southernprepper1. He put this 3 part video together going over security during a crisis. I think this is one factor that can be overlooked. We talk about being prepared as far as food, shelter and water goes but not security. Storing food and water means nothing if you cannot protect it.  Check these videos out and make sure you are crossing your Ts and dotting you I's.


