Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bugging Out- For Real

I think we are all trying to prepare for every scenario. For most of us, we are really busy and trying very hard in our free time to train with the equipment we have. We should ask ourselves? Could we really survive for a couple of weeks if we had to only use what is in our bug out bags?  These three videos are excellent. They show exactly (trapping and hunting) what you need to survive in a bug out situation. I thought it was thorough and very helpful. Let me know what you think.


Security During a Crisis

I hope all is well citizen soldiers. I came across these videos from an excellent youtube channel. I highly recommend to subscribe to it. It is called southernprepper1. He put this 3 part video together going over security during a crisis. I think this is one factor that can be overlooked. We talk about being prepared as far as food, shelter and water goes but not security. Storing food and water means nothing if you cannot protect it.  Check these videos out and make sure you are crossing your Ts and dotting you I's.




Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Storing Gas

We talk a lot about food storage but little has been said regarding fuel storage, specifically gasoline.  The following video talks about the correct way to store gas.  It is vital that we have enough fuel on hand in the event that the price or the availability of it is no longer feasible.  Again, this is something to think about as we prepare for what is to come.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Italy's Economy Turning Upside Down

Hello my friends, as we look around the world we see that things are getting worse by the minute.  I keep holding my breath wishing and hoping that this need that I feel to be prepared will dissipate, and that I can just keep living my normal life.  For two years now I feel as if I've been living a double life.  One being in the regular world, doing everyday things, and the other preparing for a time when this life as we know it is gone.  Sadly, when you look at the news thats happening in Europe you realize that living a "normal" life really isn't going to be an option that much longer.  I read this article (Click HERE) today about Italy's economy, and I just don't see how they can come back from this.  The EU has bailed out so many other countries, how can they afford to bail out another one?  Things are getting ready to implode and we MUST be ready for that!  THINK about what is going on in the world, PREPARE for how you and your family will survive it, and be ready to ACT!  Those are the best words of advice I can give you.  Remember to not be afraid, and know that you aren't alone!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Long Term Food Storage

We know that we are headed towards a period of time where our food storage will no longer be stored.  The unfortunate problem is we can not predict an exact date or time.  Thus, we must be able to store our food over a substantial amount of time while preserving its nutritional value.  These series of videos teach us how this can be done. 

(1 of 3)
(2 of 3)

(3 of 3)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Doomsday Preppers

What's up citizen soldiers. I just saw this show on the national geographic and I thought that it would be really effective if we all looked at it. So please pass it on. What I like most about survival and doomsday shows is that they help us reflect on our own preparedness level and survival ability (How much we need to improve). And this show was no exception. It selected a couple of individuals and showed how they are preparing for the collapse of society. It is shows like these that make us reflect on our own preparedness for End Of Days. I hope this will pull us back into reality and force us to get back to preparing for all situations.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Soda Bottles

For those of you who drink a lot of soda (2 liters), don't throw out the bottles!  When my mom told me to start saving soda bottles, I looked at her like she was nuts!  She instructed me to rinse out the bottles thoroughly, fill them to the top with tap water, put plastic on top and then screw the lid back on.  I reluctantly started to do what she suggested, and soon discovered that: #1 I drink a lot of soda, and #2 I'm starting to get quite a collection of water!  Now this water you can drink, but I'm not really saving it for that.  I'm planning on using it to rinse pots or pans, and for hygiene needs in an emergency.  Check out this article HERE to find out the low down on storing water in used bottles.  Here is a picture of some of mine that I've done!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Survival Bracelet

What's up my fellow citizen soldiers. Paracord is an indispensable tool to have on hand at all times. This video shows us how to make a bracelet using 6 to 8 feet of paracord. I tried it and it works great.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bypass Congress?

Isn't it scary that people "in charge" think they can just make decisions without talking to anyone.  I saw this youtube video with the President saying that he wants to basically bypass the Congress?  This is CRAZY!  Having a checks and balance system is what keeps this country running, and keeping us safe from a one man show.  If we are only going to be having one person call the shots, then we might as well have a king, and correct me if I'm wrong...this country REJECTED that idea over 200 years ago!  What is this country coming too?  What do we need to do as a nation and individuals to change things?  This is INSANE!

Friday, October 7, 2011

World Wide Banking Meltdown

This video shows the IMF advisor, Dr. Robert Shapiro, stating that he sees a definite possibility that the banking system in the world will have a complete meltdown within the next few weeks if things aren't done.  The more I hear about what is happening around the world, the more I realize that this could really happen.  If the banking systems go down in Europe, it will come here too!   The money that goes around the world is so interconnected that it will effect everyone.  We need to prepare people!  Let this be a warning to everyone...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finding Water

Finding water in the wilderness can be a matter of life or death. Even though you might think that you will never be in a situation where you will need to find water, it is important to always be prepared.  I found this website that goes over all aspects of finding water. Check it out. Click HERE

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Food Storage?

I was thinking about food storage lately, and I wondered what other people were doing.  I came across this video with a man telling us about what he's done in regards to food storage.  I really liked it because he talked about how and why he's started storing food.  I like his setup, and how he mentions random things that people don't necessarily think about.  He even talks about bartering!  Check it out, and start thinking about what you can do!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sling Shots in Action

Since posting earlier this week about sling shots, I admit it...I've become fanatical.  I've looked up everything I could find on sling shots.  There are SO MANY different kinds out there.  I recommend buying something relatively inexpensive and practicing with them to see if it's going to be your "thing" or not.  Then if you're serious about it, look into the more expensive ones.  I found this site that is AMAZING!  It is Chief AJ showing off some SWEET sling shots that have been specifically modified for hunting and fishing.  Now, it is kind of expensive, but may just be right up your ally.  I also found this great video of Chris Stanley hunting a pig with a sling shot.  Great video!  Also, it's so interesting that after looking up Chief AJ, you find out that Chris Stanley used one of the Chief's sling shots to take down this pig.  Take a look, and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sling Shots

Hi Everyone!  I came across these two videos about sling shots.  The first one talks about the right way of shooting and aiming with a sling shot.  The second video is about turning a regular sling shot into one that you can use to hunt big game.  I am so excited about these videos.  I had never even thought about using a sling shot to hunt small game let alone big game!  I don't know about you, but after watching these videos I'm going to get a sling shot and start practicing!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Long Term Shelter

Check this out. Knowing how to survive in the wilderness is important. This guy goes over everything you will need to live in a long term shelter.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1 Year Supply

Hello everyone!  Here is a follow up video for the 3 month supply.  I really enjoyed this video and thought you might want to check it out.    I think it's great that he talks about this being a philosophy and not just making sure you have food.  Really interesting!  Let us know what you think!

Monday, September 12, 2011

1-5 Rifle Drill

Check this video out. Its another one to add to our hand gun and rifle training category. I hope when you come here you find some new drills to implement on the range.

Know Your Neighbors

A few weeks ago, I went to my parents new home and stayed there for a number of days.  As I was there doing yard work, some of the neighbors wandered by.  Normally, I like to quickly end all conversations that start up with my neighbors and move indoors as soon as possible.  However, this time I realized that it was important to get to know some of the "locals" as my family is not often at this new home currently.  When I got home, I realized how strange it is that I know so much more about my neighbors at my parents new house than I do at my own house.  Doesn't that seem crazy?  So I've decided that I need to get to know my neighbors more, and encourage you to do the same!  Click HERE to view an article that tells you some benefits to knowing your neighbors, and ways to do so!  Who knows, you may find out that you not only have things in common with them, but also that you like them!  Let me know what happens!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 Month Supply

I found this video when I was thinking about food storage.  It talks about having a three month supply of food, but having it be food that you would normally eat. This is separate from a year's supply of food.  This is a really good idea, so take some time out to watch it!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fishing Without A Pole

Here is a good article on how to fish without a pole.  Take a look at it, and the next time you're out fishing try it out!  Let us know if you have any success and send us a picture of your catch and how you did it!  We'll post it for everyone to see!  Good luck!  Click HERE

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Training For a Fight

Training is most effective when you treat it like the real deal.  Check this article out from an outstanding website, It talks about techniques and methods that we can implement to improve our range time. I really thought it was helpful. Click HERE

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raising Dairy Goats

Hi!  For as long as I can remember I have been interested in raising goats.  I've read a lot of things and that has helped me to gain some knowledge.  However, there is nothing like seeing something actually done.  So check out these videos about raising dairy goats.  It's very interesting and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Food Riots

I think it is funny to hear people say that there are no problems with inflation or food shortages. Check out this article that shows whats going on. Make sure you click on the map icons that explain who is rioting and where. Click HERE. 

Collapse of the American Dollar

This is a very interesting video.  Watch it, and really think about what it all means.  How can we prepare?  Why is it important?  Let us know what you think!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drinking Water Treatment & Sanitation

Here is some good information on how to treat water that you come across in hiking, camping, or in the event of a disaster. Click HERE to view.  Read all the way to the bottom so you know how to properly dispose of human waste.  Also, if you browse the site you'll get more information on emergency disinfection, bottled water etc.  This is definitely worth a read!  Please let me know if this was helpful or not!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bug Out Vehicles

Here is some information on what a bug out vehicle (B.O.V.) is.  I had never heard of one, but it makes sense to have one.  Now, it might be a little overwhelming when you look at the list of items one should have in their BOV.  My suggestion is to take one step at a time.  If you cannot afford one of the older vehicles, just use what you have.  Start by getting extra parts, and making sure your car is always in good repair.  Just start out simply and expand when you can!  Click HERE to view!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

3 Tier Survival Kit

Check this video out. It is important to know the various items and tools one should carry for all emergency situations. This video explains that a 3 tier urban survival system is best. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bug Out Bags

So the more I look at the state of the world, the more I've been thinking about being prepared.    For a couple of years I've carried a back pack in my car with some food, water, emergency kit, and an old pair of sneakers and socks. This way I would be prepared if there was an earthquake and I had to ruff it for a couple of days until I could reach safety or home.  However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I have nothing like that in my home.  If there is an economical/natural disaster I need to have something prepared that I can grab and go so I'm not wasting valuable life-saving time, or so that in the chaos I don't grab unimportant things.  I found a neat website that talks about Bug Out Bags, and instructs you on how to build one of your own.  Click HERE to view it.  I'm going to work hard on getting this together so that I can be prepared for an emergency.  Let me know if you have something like this already, and if there is anything else that you would recommend to have in a B.O.B.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I just found this website that has some really good information.  I particularly liked the info on container gardening.  For those of you who don't know what it is, it is for people who don't have a lot of room to garden.  So there are absolutely no more excuses!  Get to gardening!  Just pick something, one thing... and decide to grow it.  You will be surprised with the fun you will have seeing something grow.  Also, it will prepare you for when you have to grow things "for real".  What do they say...practice makes perfect!  So let's start practicing!  Click HERE.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ways to Fortify your Home from Intruders

If Home Defense or Security is not important to you now, you might change your mind when all hell breaks loose. When it comes to Home Defense the first thing we think about is guns which is a crucial part, but one other aspect that gets left out is what we can do to our house and property to prevent home invasions. Check this video out that talks about some ways in which we can better fortify our homes. If you find any other video or articles detailing ways in which we can secure our homes for intruders or SHTF please email us at 

London Burning: Locals Report On Youth Violence

Many have heard about these things happening in different parts of the United States, and now it's happening in London.  It's so crazy to think that this is REAL!  This is not pretend or a Hollywood movie.  Chaos is happening in the streets.  How soon before it comes knocking on our door, or busting through our living room window? We need to be prepared folks!  We need to be prepared...

The Future of Food

Check out this video. There is no doubt that this country was founded upon agriculture. But little by little, our main source of income has changed from an agricultural to an industrial society. This video describes how the government, along with big agricultural corporations are damaging the future of food and making it impossible, economically, to be a small farmer. It’s one-hour long but it shows, in detail, this problem we are facing as a country and the lack of knowledge the average citizen has about where our food comes from and how it is made. Think about it, do you or whom do you know that gardens? If we cannot feed ourselves, we then, depend on a couple of big corporations to do that for us. The question I have is how vulnerable are we?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who Owns Your Land

The Declaration of Independence declares that our rights do not come from man but that they come from God. I wonder if the Founders were here today, if they would declare with one voice, once again, that our rights come from god and man should not be in the business of giving and taking those rights. We have allowed our freedoms to be legislated away because we have bought into the lie that the government holds our best interest at heart. Man should be able to rule himself. And yet in this article we learn that the government believes that man cannot. Check out this article and I bet there are so much more examples of this out there. Please, if you come across any, send us the link or write to us. Click HERE to read the article

Thursday, August 4, 2011

28 Principles of the Founding Fathers

We all know that the Founding Fathers were incredible men. We need to make sure that we learn who they were and what they spoke of. I think that this article does a good job describing some of the principles the founding fathers believed in. Please send me others that you might find. Click HERE to see it.

Financial Armageddon

Check this video out. It was posted in the beginning of 2011 and it seems as though it is coming to pass.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What We As Citizens Can Do Beyond The Ballot

Hi Everyone!  Take a minute and read this article.  Sometimes I think, we as a people think, that once we vote we've done all we can.  Voting is important, but getting involved in our communities is the key to making a difference.  Get involved, and make a difference in your community!

Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Just Getting Worse

Jim Rogers has taught finance at Columbia University's business school and is a media commentator worldwide. He is also the author of Adventure Capitalist, Investment Biker, Hot Commodities, A Gift to My Children, and A Bull in China. Click HERE and listen to him talk about the debt debate being just political theater. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Basic Tactical Shooting

Rifle and handgun techniques to practice when shooting at the range.


Super Tanker Water Storage

Check this video out.

Survival Trapping School

It would be ideal to have "hands on" training when it comes to trapping. But if you have to learn on your own, Buckshot Hemming's videos are the way to go. I learned so much about trapping, tanning and field dressing from Mr. Hemming's dvds. The videos are very informative and the traps/snares he sells are of great quality. He has a survival trapping school going on right now which you can see on his website. I have not gone to it because of time and money but I sure hope to get there next year. Check his website out. He is one of a kind and one of the last few remaining modern day Mountain Men.  Click HERE.

Bow Drill Fire Starting

I know many of us have seen survival shows with this technique being used. There is no doubt that it is effective but how many of us regular folks can do it. Lets all try this and make sure we can do it.


Mastering the AR-15

These are some really old videos on the AR-15 but I think that they are still good, especially for those just beginning to learn about this rifle.

Primitive Trapping

Dave Canterbury is a seasoned survivalist. This is a great video for primitive trapping.

Portable Targets

Having effective targets can help tremendously at the range.
There are homemade targets that are just as good. I hope some of you can help out in that arena. But just in case there are some of you who want to buy this, click HERE to go to the website.

Long Range Shooting

These videos give a good general description on long range shooting and termonology


This would be an excellent technique to practice and learn.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

YO YO Trapping

Check this out. This is how you can trap fish. Pretty cool!

Easy Fishing knot

This is an easy and effective knot to have in your tool box. Practice it!

Cooking over open fire

Some good ideas using pioneer cooking skills

America's Founding Principles

Check this PAPER out from a Hillsdale college student.

Conibear Trapping

This will show the "ins and outs" of setting up the conibear traps.

In the event of an Earthquake...

This will remind you the basic steps to take when an earthquake hits. Click HERE to view it.

Primitive Survival Trapping

This is a skill that can really come in handy.

Machete Modifications

Machete is a good tool because of its versatility. This video will help you modify your machete to meet your needs.

Emergency Kit Checklist

This list will help you organize all of the things you may need to survive for 72hrs. Click HERE to view list.

Training with AR-15

These videos were originally aired on versus from a show called "Gun Talk". Very informative. You can get lots of practical tips that can be implemented.




Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why is America unique

Check this video out. This is Dennis Prager and this is what he says about what makes America Different from any other. Powerful

Sharpening Tips

It is very important that the gear we do have is always in a condition that is ready to use. This is a video that will help us keep our knives and other cutting tools razor sharp, check this video out. 

Survival Cutting Tools

Check these videos out. I think it gives an excellent overview of cutting tools and other essential tools needed for the shtf and survival preparedness.

Survival Cutting Tools

Other tools needed for the shtf.

Friday, July 8, 2011


If the past two years have taught us anything it is that natural and economical disasters are inevitable.  We can no longer ignore these imminent events. We believe by viewing these clips of the film "After Armageddon", originally aired on the History channel but now available on youtube, can assist us in evaluating our level of preparedness.  These videos show possible situations that one could be placed in during times of crisis and show outcomes of decisions that might have to be made. Are we ready to make those decisions?  








Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TPA Report

We hope you’ll check here often to find information and ideas that demonstrate the Citizen Soldier philosophy: 
Let us know what works for you and what you think.  If we post a certain video/article/tool and you have a different source that is better or gives additional information, email it to us at and we will post it. Send us links on anything interesting you find and it may be listed on our TPA Report. Something you find might work for our contest, consider entering!!! We appreciate your comments and suggestions. 


Hi and welcome to our Blog!  This is where we will be talking more about what it means to Think..Prepare...and Act.